It’s really that easy.
Christmas is only around the corner and during the lead up to the festive period, we tend to spend a lot of time out for meals and drinks with family and friends, not to mention the day itself.
During this time, you might notice that friends and members of your family are choosing not to drink, or even just taking it a little easier when it comes to the Christmas pints, and that’s ok.
As Irish people, we tend to like a drink or 20 at this time of year, but if you notice someone has decided not to take a drink and stick to the cans of Coke, let them be.
There are a million and one reasons someone might choose not to have a drink, and no matter what that reason is, it’s none of your business. So don’t ask.
Making comments or simply just asking the question can put someone under a lot of pressure and can make them feel like they should be having a drink, when that couldn’t be further from the truth.
The same goes for food, whether it’s how little someone is eating (unless it’s dangerously little), how much someone is eating or if they’ve decided to cut certain foods from their diet, it’s not your place to make comments about it.
If they’re not eating turkey and ham at the dinner table, don’t ask why. If they’re going for a second serving of all kinds of potatoes, keep your comments to yourself and if they’re getting a smaller portion, keep in mind that this might be a huge progress for them.
The only exception here is if you notice a loved one is eating a dangerously small amount of food and you are concerned, but even in this circumstance, you need to be careful on your approach to the situation.
Here is a great piece that can help you tackle this situation, just remember to not say anything abruptly and in front of a big group, drawing attention to it.