Do you watch it?
Throughout the day some interesting topics arise around the editorial table here at Her. Recently porn came up (sorry) and the discussion was born.
We recently ran a story about the effects pornography can have on men versus women, so the big question remained… how many of us watch it? And are we watching alone or with a partner?
The table was pretty divided. Without giving away identities I can reveal that some of us never watch it, some of us dabble in viewing with our partners, and some of us like to snuggle up and watch a good porno all alone.
Some of us also asked whether Fifty Shades counts as porn… but we’ll move on from that.
We decided to take it to the readers, we ran a poll on our Twitter account asking women about their pornography viewing habits, and the results are in:
We’re looking into women’s porn watching habits, so we want to know do you watch and with whom? Let’s be honest ladies ?
— (@Herdotie) May 18, 2017
So watching porn alone is the preferred option for 47% of our readers, a close second of 45% said they never watched it and just 8% watch with a partner.
We asked our very own Her journalist and resident Psychologist, Alison Bough, about the history of women and porn:
“Psychology research into women and how they engage with or watch porn is still relatively new. Women weren’t even included in studies in this area until after 1993. Before that all the scientific findings of human sexual responses in relation to porn focused on men”.
“What we know from more recent work is that, even though men and women physically experience or ‘feel’ orgasm in the same way, women are far more visual when it comes to sexual stimulation. So the fact that many women choose to engage with porn alone and not watch with a partner is not particularly surprising.”
There you have it folks… heaps of us are watching it, and probably having a grand aul time!