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Lynk taxis are offering free local lifts to people hoping to travel to polling stations to vote in today’s referendum.
The free rides are being offered to encourage people to get out and use their vote and make their voice heard.
The referendum on the eighth amendment takes place today, May 25.
#LynkToVote is available in the greater Dublin area between the hours of 9am and 2pm.
The discount code will allow for a free local taxi journey to the value of €10.
If the taxi journey goes over this amount, the €10 will be deducted from the overall fee.
In order to avail of this discount, users must download the Lynk taxi app, enter their personal card details and the discount code, #LynkToVote and make their booking.
Noel Ebbs, CEO of Lynk Taxis said he wants his customers to be able to use their vote next week
He said:
“As a company we have a great respect for our local customers and we want to be sure they use their right to vote in this upcoming, important referendum and make it as easy as possible for them to get to their polling station.
“If our promotion encourages even one person to go out and use their vote, we’ll be pleased. We hope lots of users avail of the #LynkToVote discount code and use their valuable votes on May 25.”
Polling stations will be open across the country from 7am to 10pm.