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11th Sep 2015

Is The Underwire Of Your Bra Digging In To You? This Trick Will Save Your Day!

There's nothing worse!


There is nothing worse than when you’re going about your day and suddenly, the underwire of your bra pops out and starts poking you.

It never happens when you’re sitting at home all snuggled up on the couch of course, but instead, sod’s law dictates that it will happen at the most inopportune moment of the day.


Now though, we have the ultimate tip to help you out when underwire disaster strikes and it’s pretty simple too.

Simply get a pad or panty liner and stick it to the inside of your bra. Next, fold it over the exposed wire and it will cushion the wire until you manage to get home and change it.

Job done.

How did we not think of this before?!