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14th Feb 2016

Here’s How You Can Hide The Read Receipts On Facebook Messenger

Now, there’s a way to hide that ‘Seen’ note.


For anyone who has ever wanted to read a full message without getting caught having to reply, you’re about to be very happy.

If you’re trying to ignore someone, or mull over the best reply, chances are you’re not a fan of the read receipts on Facebook messenger.

Not sure what I mean?

We’re talking about that pesky little ‘Seen’ note that appears under a message which shows the date and time you opened it.

While Facebook themselves don’t allow you to switch off the notification, there are two apps which promise you complete privacy while you scroll through your correspondence.

According to motto, Chrome users should turn to Facebook Unseen App, while those using Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer should stick to a program Crossrider’s Chat Undetected.

Unfortunately, these little tools only work for desktop – so you might have to hold off using messenger on your phone.

There is one word of caution though, with ABC News warning that those who attempt blocking built-in applications could be in trouble, as Facebook’s Terms of Service state, “You will not do anything that could disable, overburden, or impair the proper working or appearance of Facebook.”

So if you’re willing to take a risk, it might be just the tip you need to stalk and read from afar.

No response required.