Taxi app Hailo will give customers a free trip to their local polling booth on May 22nd.
To avail of the free taxi, passengers must visit to claim a credit and then book via the Hailo Prebook feature for between 11am and 4pm on May 22nd.
The company is encouraging its customers to get out and vote in the marriage equality referendum and will be embarking on a week long campaign of activities to highlight the importance of voting.
“We have nailed our colours to the mast to a degree with our video” said Tim Arnold, Hailo’s General Manager, “but we also really want everyone to get out and vote. And what better way to encourage them, than to give them a lift there? For free! All they have to do is book it on HailoPrebook”. Voters can claim their Prebook credit at
“Hailo’s message is – get out and vote. Turnout for previous referendums has struggled to get past 50%. This is an issue of huge importance to Ireland and we want to help our passengers get their chance to cast their vote.” said Arnold.
“Hailo has a strong commitment to diversity, locally here in Ireland, and globally among our staff, the drivers on our network and the passengers they carry every day.”