Tune in for a great cause.
Last month, Dublin City University student Laura Horan spoke out about her time in a homeless shelter when she was a child.
Her video touched the hearts of people all over Ireland. However, the video was not just Laura sharing her personal story, it was to highlight a very special event taking place to give something back.
Tonight at 9pm, 24 hours of live TV will begin in DCU for charity. It is organised, filmed, produced and acted out all by students of the media production society in the university.
The shows vary from remakes of ones we all know and love such as Gogglebox and Never mind the Buzzcocks to more creative new ideas and some interestingly titled Babe station and Wax world.
The Media Production society is hoping to raise thousands of euro for the Peter McVerry Trust, a charity that supports and helps homeless families in Ireland.
You can help by logging on and viewing their broadcast and donating on the link they provide. All of the funds will go towards the Peter McVerry Trust.
”At the moment I’m very excited and nervous which is common during the broadcast (which is in it’s 7th year) but we are in the studio getting ready and you can feel the anticipation” Chairperson Sarah Mc Laughlin told Her.
Laura previously told Her why this event is important to her.
”The Peter McVerry trusts means so much to me because the more donations this charity gets the more likely my brother will get a home as they focus on young homeless people. My brother is someone who has never had his own bed never mind a room or a house.
The broadcast means so much to me being a journalism student I enjoy using multimedia to distribute journalism and I think the broadcast is a very fun and entertaining platform to also help charities raise must needed funds.”
You can watch it from 9pm Friday to 9pm Saturday on their website.