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08th Sep 2023

Flight attendant quits job because McDonald’s pays better


BY Charlie Herbert

A woman has quit her dream job as a flight attendant to work at McDonald’s because it pays more.

In a viral TikTok, Saffron Laszkowicz, from Doncaster, explains why she ditched her budget job at Ryanair to start working at McDonald’s.

She said: “I started working at McDonald’s in December 2020 during Covid, I had nothing to do because we were in lockdown.”

But once the pandemic was over, she decided to follow her dream and train to become a cabin crew member in May 2022.

After completing her six weeks of training, the reality of her career move dawned on her though, and she realised she was financially worse off.

She continued: “I realised I wasn’t earning as much as I used to so decided to go back to McDonald’s part-time in October 2022.”

Nevertheless, Saffron continued to pursue her passion and started to take shifts as a flight attendant, even if the career wasn’t exactly what she thought it would be.

She still had to take shifts at Maccies to support herself, and in the end, had to quit Ryanair as it wasn’t financially viable for her.

In one of her TikToks, she said pursuing her dream left her traumatised and her dreams crushed.

Sympathizing with Saffron, one person commented on TikTok: “People don’t realise how bad flight attendants get paid, that’s why I haven’t left retail for it yet.”

Another revealed that returning to McDonald’s would not be for them though, saying: “I quit McDonald’s after 9 years last October and I will never go back.”

In recent TikToks, Saffron has explained that one of the reasons she decided to tell her story was so that people wanting to become flight attendants know what the reality of the industry is.

She also makes clear that this is just her experience with one airline, and that everyone should make up their own mind.

In a video last month, she explained that she had worked in three different McDonald’s in the last three years.

She told followers: “I get paid for every minute. It’s less travelling time to get to work.

“I’m earning the same (if not more) for much less stress. I get more free time to spend with my family and work on myself.”