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20th May 2014

Bringing the Restaurant Home: This Revolving Sushi Conveyor Belt is Pretty Amazing

All aboard the sushi train!

Una Kavanagh

Ever been in a sushi place and marvelled at their convenient conveyor belts bringing you all sorts of delights? We have!

Well, turns out you can bring the restaurant experience home with this neat sushi toy set. Equipped with a track, train and coaches with plates built onto them, the plastic train set is possibly or new favourite thing.

According to Kotaku, the Japanese name of the toy uses “niginigi”, referring to “nigiru”, which means to “grasp” or “seize”, or here, “mould sushi”.

The kit also comes with sushi making tools to set you on your way (it’s meant to be a children’s toy but we’d totally buy one).

Sadly, the “Super Seizing At Home Conveyor Sushi” is only available in Japan but surely if we give it enough love over here they may consider shipping them over!
