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10th Jul 2014

BOOK REVIEW: The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

The Fault In Our Stars is a beautiful story that will make you smile and leave you in tears.

Rebecca McKnight

This is a book that you’ve probably heard a lot about, what with the release of the film adaptation starring Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort, and we can happily say that it is well worth the hype.

The story focuses on a teenage girl, Hazel Grace, who has cancer. She spends her days carting around an oxygen tank to help her breathe, watching America’s Next Top Model, imagining what happened to the characters in her favourite novel An Imperial Affliction and trying to keep her parents happy.

One element of that is going to a support group where she meets a boy called Augustus. He’s handsome, witty and most importantly not afraid to say exactly what’s on his mind. The pair quickly develop a close bond although their romance is not without its trials and tribulations.

But you’d be wrong in thinking that this is just a sad book about cancer. Yes it’s heartbreakingly sad at times and it does deal with cancer, but it’s so much more than that. It’s a book about young love and while it doesn’t necessarily have any major life lessons to teach you, it’s a beautiful piece of fiction that will stay with you long after you read the words on the final page.

John Green’s style flows with such simplicity and honesty that you will find it very hard to put The Fault In Our Stars down. He doesn’t play on clichés but rather creates precious moments in a refreshing way which will make you laugh and cry… like a baby.

Rating… 4.5 stars.

Read if… you want a refreshing take on something that has been done before.

Don’t read if… you are in public.


Don’t forget to check out our Between The Covers podcast where we’ll be discussing The Fault In Our Stars. We’d love to hear your thoughts and book suggestions so please do give us a shout via Facebook, Twitter or email on [email protected]