Lots of us are fashion-obsessed, but do we care how and where the things we wear are made?
Almost of half you say that this doesn’t matter to you.
In a poll, 46 per cent of Her followers answered ‘No’ to the question “Do you honestly care where your clothes come from?”.
This is despite almost three quarters (73 per cent) of you telling us that climate change is a big issue for you.
We asked the Her community for your opinions on all sorts of things as part of Conscious Bits, our series on sustainability.
As it turns out you do care about the planet – but about certain things more than others.
Second-hand clothes got a mixed reaction from you, with 45 per cent of followers saying that they’re “not your thing”.
Just over a third of you said that sustainable beauty mattered to you; 64 per cent said that you wouldn’t take a beauty brand’s green credentials into consideration.
Interestingly, the majority of you said you’d give up a product you loved if you found out it was bad for the environment.
Packaging was super important to you – more than nine in ten of you said that there’s too much on our food.
Just over half of you were concerned about the impact of meat on the planet, meanwhile.
Here are all of the results of our Instagram poll in full:
Is climate change a big issue for you? Yes 73% / No 27%
Do you honestly care where your clothes come from? Yes 54% / No 46%
Second hand clothes are… Great bargains 55% / Not my thing 45%
Do you believe eating meat has a big effect on our environment? Yes 51% / No 49%
Do you reckon there’s too much packaging on our food? Yes 96% / No 4%
Do you consider sustainability in your beauty products? Yes 36% / No 64%
Would you give up a product you love if you discovered it was bad for the planet? Yes 66% / No 34%
During May, Her will be doing some more #ConsciousBits.
Over the month, we’ll be learning how to re-use more than we buy, examining the sheer amount of waste the planet produces, and considering the many, many benefits of sustainable fashion choices.
We’ll also be chatting to some people who have made sustainability a priority, while setting ourselves a few environmentally conscious challenges along the way.
Change is daunting and we’re not perfect, but we can always try to do our bit. Our conscious bit.
You can follow the rest of the #ConsciousBits series here or follow our Instagram account for more related content.
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