It turns 16 this week. Yes. SIXTEEN!
It was the movie that saw girls worldwide fall head over heels with Heath Ledger and made all of us wish we were Julia Stiles.
It’s one of those films that you can watch over and over and over again and never get tired of it and this week, we celebrate all that is good about 10 Things I Hate About You as it turns sweet sixteen.
Yes, we did say 16. And yes, we are feeling your pain.
It’s okay…
To cry in class… Or work for that matter. While reading poetry.
Your dad…
Always has your best interests at heart.
Best. Movie Dad. Ever.
In Europe…
You can be just whelmed.
Learning French…
Is the way to a woman’s heart.
Dancing on tables…
Is fun. But dangerous.
Is surprisingly romantic.
It’s all about…
The big gesture. Swoon.
Some lads…
Just can’t be trusted.
Should stick together.
And finally…
There are some really great teachers out there. What a legend.