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26th Sep 2019

Women are putting wasp nests in their vaginas, and please pray for us all

Rebecca O'Keeffe

wasp nests


Listen, we’re all for weird and wonderful beauty trends… but this is just a step too far.

Women are putting wasp nests in their vagina… and we’re kind of upset.

We know, women have been popping things up there for a long time, from tampons to sex toys.

But this just sounds dangerous, and incredibly stupid.

wasps' nests

According to the Daily Mail, ladies are putting ground-up wasp nests in their vaginas with in the hope of tightening and cleaning them.


They’re called “oak galls”, rather than wasps’ nests, but they are the same thing, and they’re being sold on Etsy.

Apparently, they’re meant to work in a similar fashion to Jade eggs, which FYI, are also not good for your vagina.

wasp nests

Christine Greves, M.D., has called this bizarre practice “dangerous.”

The use of wasps’ nests can cause vaginal dryness, which increases your risk of infection, including scary STIs like HIV.

You may also be left with an unpleasant vaginal odor, since vaginal dryness makes it easier for pathogens to enter your vagina.

All in all – just don’t do it!