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17th Jun 2018

You’ve been warned! Doing this before having sex could be bad for your health

Myth busted.

Denise Curtin


It looks like peeing before having sex could actually be bad for you.

Expert urologist, David Kaufman explained that urinating before sex can put women at a higher risk of developing a urinary tract infection.

According to Kaufman, who spoke with Yahoo Health, urinating before sex: “Is the number one cause of post-coital urinary tract infections, also known as honeymoon cystitis.”

“Bacteria have tiny pilli that act as Velcro hooks, which allow them to attach themselves to the urethral lining,” he explained.

However Dr. Kaufman does believe that peeing after sex is important especially if can’t hold it in beforehand.

He explains that going to the toilet after sex enables the bacteria to become dislodged, preventing it from moving to the bladder and causing infection.

And as we all know, UTI’s can be a painful experience affecting approximately every one in two women at some point in their lives.

Lesson learned.

