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10th Dec 2017

Thousands of women are ditching their Pill in favour of fertility apps

This will make you think twice

Olivia Hayes

Thousands are making the change.

And it seems like 2018 will bring even more.

Recent figures show that many women are choosing to use a fertility app as contraception as opposed to the Pill.

Over in the UK, more than 600,000 women have ditched the birth-control pill, with one of the main reasons being health fears.

Figures from the NHS show that between 2011 and 2015, the number of women taking the Pill fell by almost a quarter.

Experts also note that women are turning to natural methods of contraception as recent studies have linked the Pill to higher risks of breast cancer, blood clots and depression.

Image result for natural cycles app

An app called Natural Cycles has a proven 93 percent success rate in preventing pregnancy and is the first in a line of fertility apps to be classed by European regulators as a medical contraceptive.

After it was approved, the number of users went up from 5,000 in 2016 to 125,000 in 2017.

Would you consider making the change anytime soon?