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19th Jul 2020

Women delaying telling their partners about the menopause, study shows

Jade Hayden

Some women didn’t speak to anybody about the change.

Women who delayed telling their partners they started the menopause waited over five months to do so, a new study has shown.

According to new research, these women waited on average 5.3 months before informing their partner the menopause was beginning, with 16 percent saying they didn’t tell anybody.

The new study, conducted by Life Extension, asked over 500 post-menopausal women about their experiences of the hormonal change, including their physical symptoms, mental side affects, and who they turned to for advice.

The majority of women (61 percent) turned to a doctor for advice during the menopause, while over half talked to a friend or family member. One quarter of women sought information from the internet, while 16 percent didn’t speak to anybody.

Over 70 percent of women told their partner they were starting the menopause right away, but of those who decided to wait, the average length of time was over five months.

The most common symptoms for those experiencing the menopause were hot flashes (59 percent), night sweats (58 percent) and trouble sleeping (50 percent). For 30 percent of respondents, hot flashes were the worst symptom of their transition, followed by night sweats.

69 percent of women said that they gained weight during the menopause, with sweet cravings being the most prominent. The vast majority of women also reported that losing weight post-menopause was considerably more difficult.

To alleviate the symptoms of menopause, most women choose between two options: a hormone-based regimen, or a natural, non-hormonal approach supported by supplements.

More than half of women acknowledged taking vitamins after starting menopause, 70 percent of whom had supplements recommended by their doctors.

You can find out more about the menopause here. 

