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29th Jan 2013

“Let’s Get The Whole World Dancing” Says Kid President: The Best Pep Talk You Will Ever Get

This kid will change your whole outlook on life.


We all have our down days and we all need a little pick-me-up now and then…

Kid President knows this and has put together a video for you or your friends that need a little kick in the right direction.

“Pass this pep talk along and let’s get the whole world dancing”, he says wisely, “It’s everybody’s duty to give the world a reason to dance.”

And, we must admit, we’re fans of Kid President’s dancing.

The video is produced by Soul Pancake (the place where you can open your mind and ask questions) with the help of Kid President. According to his Twitter bio, Kid President likes pizza and cartoons.

By popular demand, now there’s even a “NOT COOL, ROBERT FROST” t-shirt. This kid will get you smiling.


mind matters