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29th Mar 2015

It Started With A Dress: God (Ok Lent) Is On My Side

Forget the scales. It's all about the dress.


In a new weekly feature, newbie Liz is going to share her weight loss journey. She’ll be filling you in on fighting temptation, her willpower struggles with the cocktail menu and taking painfully slow steps towards regular exercise. All in the name of a dress.


Hanging on the wall at the end of my bed is the constant reminder I plan on shedding nearly two stone this year. I also plan on marking the trials and tribulations of ‘trying to be good’ – the favourite saying we all tout, and quickly replace when a cake is put in front of us.

Week 45: Snack Swaps

This week I had God on my side. So far as I was tempted by every single treat that passed before me but Lent was keeping me in check.

I was born with a sweet tooth. I’m sure some people like chocolate.

I love it. I live for it. In fact, I’m pretty sure if I have to make a desert island choice of three foods, chocolate, eggs benedict and steak would do me nicely.

So when the birthdays in the office started rolling around I was in dangerous territory.

I think it’s safe to say it’s easy enough to eat well when you’re at home.

There’s less temptation, your fridge is stocked and if you’re tired you can go take a nap in your bed.

When you’re in work, your best intentions can fall by the wayside.

It starts with you waking up later than planned. Your snooze button is about to get one more smack before you realise you won’t be able to shower and you can’t go to work with greasy hair. For a second day.

With the rush out the door, it can be hard to pull together a lunch that doesn’t come out of a packet. Not to mention sandwiches can get tedious and they’re not always the best way to manage your calorie intake.

And then the onslaught of trips to make tea (which is clearly accompanied by a biscuit) start to kick in.

So when Lent started off this year, I told myself I had to give up chocolate, crisps, and sweets. I also had to go back to mass on a Sunday (because otherwise that’s just a diet and I figured it wouldn’t kill me to see what they had to say for themselves).

It’s been five weeks since I’ve last devoured a chocolate bar or munched on a pack of Kings crisps but I’ve noticed some pretty positive changes.

For starters where my tummy used to be a little pudgy, I suddenly see a flatter line.

I’m not saying I’m suddenly the skinniest I’ve ever been, or that I’m rocking a six-pack, but I am saying my jean button fastens quickly, my shirt sleeves feel a little looser and my back looks less soft and more lean when I’m wearing a string top.

They mightn’t sound like big deals, but I’m a firm believer it’s the little things that count.

Then came my ultimate challenge.

For those who live in Dublin, or ever stop by to taste some of their finest baked goods, I’m sure you’ve heard of Queen of Tarts.

If you haven’t, they basically make the most delicious Baileys chocolate chip cheesecake that I’ve ever tasted.

Whenever we have a birthday in the office, we roll out the cake, and in the space of a fortnight, we had three celebrations going down.

And I passed on each one. Admittedly it was with absolute heartache, but I felt better about it in the long-run.

As for the tea breaks, my biscuit has been replaced by a banana and my crisps with multi-vitamins.

It might not be the most exciting diet in the world. But I’m feeling better and my skin is actually clearer for once.

It also happens to be working too.

Stepping on the scales I waited to reap the fruits (not malteasers) of my labour.

Thankfully I wasn’t disappointed.

Down 2lbs…

Height: 5ft 8
Starting Weight: 174 lbs
Current Weight: 159 lbs
Weight Loss To Date: 17.5 lb
Goal: 148 lbs
Feeling: Happy with progress

The Dress In Question.. NOW FITS!