In a new weekly feature, newbie Liz is going to share her weight loss journey. She’ll be filling you in on fighting temptation, her willpower struggles with the cocktail menu and taking painfully slow steps towards regular exercise. All in the name of a dress.
Hanging on the wall at the end of my bed is the constant reminder I plan on shedding nearly two stone this year. I also plan on marking the trials and tribulations of ‘trying to be good’ – the favourite saying we all tout, and quickly replace when a cake is put in front of us.
Week 51: Playing Chicken with my appendix
I’m going to be a little dramatic here and admit something. I used to think if I could just get a stomach bug once and wake up with a size 8 frame I’d be sorted.
No careful planning, eating salads or heading to the gym.
I would literally be a whippet overnight.
Yes it’s childish, lazy and pure stupid thinking but it’s also worth accepting that sometimes the grass can crazily appear greener from the other side.
This week, I was treated to a taste of rapid weight loss and it was not fun.
It all started last Tuesday when I thought I was getting the mother of all period pains.
While anyone who reads this regularly will know I usually soothe those pains with a jar of Nutella and a bottle of wine, this time, I was in agony.
Finishing up my work shift, I got into my car and toddled home only to be woken two hours later crippled with pain.
If anyone has ever had appendix trouble, you’ll know this special kind of torment. If you’ve been fortunate enough to avoid having your organs play chicken with the doctors, let me sum it up for you.
Imagine a steaming hot poker, jabbed into your back, while a fire is lit under your skin… and you’ll start to get the idea.
I won’t bore you with the ins and outs of being in a hospital A&E but what I can tell you is I couldn’t eat.
Day one, it was a strange novelty. I probably would have been more upset if I wasn’t passed out from painkillers.
Day two, I was starting to feel rumbles, but my stomach also had the projectile vomit feels about it. I thought I should save my flatmates from cleaning a bathroom.
Day three, I was sad. Very, very sad that all this food was surrounding me and I couldn’t stomach more than two bites.
In the week I couldn’t eat I lost 5 lbs. Not from a healthy, balanced diet but from pure unwanted starvation. I was miserable and hungry.
But I did learn one very important lesson. Nothing is as important as your health.
While I might stress over a few pounds, wax lyrical about my need to get into the gym, or critique every angle of my curves in a new dress, after last week I’m relieved that my body is finally getting back to its original, healthier state.
I’ll continue to eat right, start back into some gentle walks and hope that the new antibiotics don’t upset my tummy. What I won’t wish for is some magical remedy to slim myself down.
Rapid weight loss isn’t good for your health or your body. It might not be as drastic as the reason for my sudden drop on the scales, but it could be equally dangerous. Maintaining a healthy weight is about nourishing your body.
It may not be my dream figure, but it’s my body.
It’s there to get me through my days, and I happen to love it. Small love handles and all.
So for the next week or two, I won’t be weighing myself or judging my food choices. I’ll be eating right, and relaxing on exercise.
And hopefully by June, I’ll be back on track. Just in time for the Women’s Mini Marathon.