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20th Jul 2019

7 yoga poses guaranteed to make for an amazing sex life

Promised to hit the spot.

Louise Carroll

Yoga. Is there anything it can’t do?

Yoga is guaranteed to improve far more than just your sex life, that’s for sure. But these are some of the poses to help getting frisky under the sheets much more fun, lively and pleasurable.

Yes, these poses are fantastic, but as with all yoga practices it’s extremely important to move slowly and only push as far as feels comfortable.

In other words, you should feel a stretch, sometimes a very big stretch, but never actual pain. By moving slowly and not over exulting ourselves, we’ll be far more flexible than we are currently, and in a matter of weeks or months we’ll be bursting with energy and feeling fabulous.

Eagle pose

The Eagle helps to relieve symptoms of urinary tract infections and it’s great for improving our balance. It doesn’t just loosen up our legs and hips, but it’s also great for sciatica sufferers too. By bending your knees and lifting your left leg over your right – making sure the left thigh is over the right thigh – hug your right leg with your left as shown. The toes of your left foot should point to the ground. Lift your arms parallel to the floor and intertwine as seen here, pressing the palms together. If you have a tight upper back and shoulders you’ll feel this one.

Childs pose

Oh you’ll feel the burn, trust us. Begin by resting your knees on the ground, hip-width apart and big toes touching one another behind you. Keep your back straight and gradually stretch forward to the ground with your arms extended. You’ll feel a stretch throughout your shoulders and arms, as well as your spine, along with a fantastic stretch in your hip flexors (inner hip muscles) too. To achieve a deeper stretch, slowly move the knees out wider, slowly and one at a time.

The Cat Cow

Who needs Kegel exercise balls when you can just do the Cat Cow? Not only is strengthening those Kegel muscles great for supporting our uterus and bladder but they also help us to reach and maintain an orgasm. Balancing on all fours, lift your head and very slowly roll your spine one vertebrae at a time, allowing your stomach to drop slightly creating a curve in the lower back and lifting your hips towards the sky.

Bridge pose

To get toning those pelvic floor muscles, as well as your bum and glutes, get practising this pose. Building strength and flexibility in these areas work wonders for a better sex life and it’s so simple. For an extra bum workout, lift your pelvis up and down slowly.

Cobblers pose

This pose can be intense, so it’s important to take your time. Sitting down with feet together, begin to bend forward. The aim is to get your head to rest comfortably on your feet. No doubt there are plenty of us that are just not that flexible yet, but even a little bit of practise while taking your time to move that teeny bit further each go can make an enormous amount of difference to your sex life as it opens up the hips and stretches the groin muscles.

Reclining butterfly

This pose is thought to help some women relieve menstrual aches and pains while also stretching the hips and inner thighs. Begin sitting and place the soles of your feet together, bending both legs and opening the hips. This alone is the butterfly pose. Rather than pushing too hard to get your knees to touch the floor, try holding the pose for longer. For a more relaxing pose, but still working on those hips and legs, lie down with the feet remaining in the same position. What’s beautiful about this pose is you could easily find yourself nodding off all while improving your flexibility and sex life. If you do find it too hard on your back, try using yoga blocks or even books to give you support as seen below. Who knew working out could be so simple?

Downward dog

The upside down ‘V’ is a part of pretty much every yoga routine and for very good reason. Also known as the Adho Mukha Svanasana, it involves balancing yourself by pushing your palms firmly into the ground, keeping your back straight and aiming to get your heels to touch the ground. It can be quite sore on the calves if your muscles are very tight, but it’s great for stretching your spine, lower back and your pectoral girdle.

The pup does teach this pose rather well, but just incase there’s any confusion, here’s the angle you should aim for and try to get those heels to touch the floor over time.

And there you have it. Your after-sex glow will be brighter in no time. If you can incorporate these stretches, along with any other favourites you may have, there’s no doubt you’ll notice the difference. So, whip out your mat, throw on something comfortable and get stretching those hips. Anything that makes life more pleasurable is going to be worth it.

