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26th Sep 2019

Feeling peckish this morning? Try the new trend that’s going viral – a baked bean toastie


Denise Curtin

Mmmmm, tasty?

To many, a full Irish just isn’t complete without the humble baked bean. They provide that much-needed sauce for an otherwise relatively dry breakfast, they’re a source of protein and they’re tasty.

But, would we go as far as lashing them into a toastie?

Well, apparently in Australia tinned spaghetti and baked bean toasties are such a popular thing that they even have their own name – jaffle.

The jaffle is made by slattering a slice of white bread with cold beans, sealing it down with another slice and popping it into the toastie maker.

The concoction came to light earlier this week when an Australian gamer tweeted to “settle the debate” as to which is nicer in a toastie – beans or tinned spaghetti.

This obviously caused major debate as many wondered why anyone would eat either?

Personally, as a bean lover myself, I wouldn’t be opposed to test driving an auld bean toastie however, I know few of us in Her feel the same way.

According to Australian jaffle fans, the toastie tastes like a “crunchy bowl” for your beans.
