We all have a favourite genre of film, be it rom-com, sci-fi or action, but almost everyone loves a good trashy film, whether we admit it or not.
Trashy films are those silly movies that are so bad they’re actually good. Fans of these films may have a bit of a reputation for being narrow-minded or uncultured, but that is not the case.
If you’re a love of these types of films, you’re actually a genius according to this new study.
The research published in Poetics: Journal of Empirical Research on Culture, the Media and the Arts looked at the type of people who enjoy these films and found that the majority were actually highly-intelligent.
For the purpose of the study, the word ‘trash’ referred to low budget
The journal found that: ”Viewers attribute to trash films not just amusing/entertaining qualities, but also a positive, transgressive deviance from the cinematic mainstream, and their appreciation of these films is coupled with marked preferences for art cinema
”The majority of trash film fans appear to be well-educated cultural ‘omnivores’, and they conceive of their preference for trash films in terms of an ironic viewing stance.”
One of my personal favourites when it comes to guilty pleasures is Mariah Carey’s Glitter, so I must be a genius…