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12th Aug 2014

STOP EVERYTHING! This Guy Made A Dancing Groot And It Is AMAZING!

This is amazing.

Sue Murphy

If you have seen Guardians of the Galaxy, you will know that one of the best, funniest and sweetest characters is the wonderful Groot. If you stayed to the end, you would have been treated to a brilliant extra scene.

Well, this genius has made an amazing dancing Groot. Patrick Delahunty described how he put the little dancing guy together:  ‘I made this using a “Movin’ & Groovin'” flower I got from eBay, cut off the dumb daisy, covered the stem on felt and twine, sculpted the head from Model Magic, and painted everything with brown and tan paint. He can now dance to Peter Quill’s Awesome Mix or my own.’

Disney should really hire this guy.

Hat tip to