Last week we spotted that Friends scene with the fake Rachel and how we all failed to notice it.
The continuity error happens when the camera cuts from Rachel and Joey to Monica, and when it cuts back we see LeBlanc and a woman who is clearly not Jennifer Aniston.
Well holy moly, we’re red-faced again because as it transpires there’s a fake Monica too.
In the season 8 episode; The One With Rachel’s Date, Monica and Phoebe are seated in Central Perk chatting about hair. As Monica says “I paid to have this done,” the camera angle switches revealing THE IMPOSTER.
It is possible that we are suddenly noticing the shows minor bloopers as the original show was designed for old school TV’s. The series migration to Netflix and widescreen TV’s means we can suddenly see more of the scene. It’s a likely theory but to us the show is still absolutely flawless.