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29th May 2014

REVIEW – Edge Of Tomorrow, The Biggest Surprise Of The Year… In A Very Good Way

Sue Murphy

Despite the obvious low numbers of leading actresses in films, there is a change occurring in Hollywood’s treatment of women on the big screen. Yes, it is happening slowly but it is happening, just maybe not as fast as we would like. The figures of women behind the camera and in technical roles is still worryingly low but we can be optimistic, it’s not all about finding a knight in shining armour anymore, it is most certainly becoming about the strong female figure on the big screen. You only have to look at the success of films like Bridesmaids and Frozen to see that we are finally moving in the right direction.

Even though you will have to look hard for them, there have been some amazing action heroines in the big screen like Ripley from the Alien films and of course, the brilliant Sarah Connor from the Terminator movies. However, the action heroine on screen has been rare and with that, they are often tied back to the purpose of the male character. Perhaps the most refreshing thing about the Edge of Tomorrow is that is most certainly not the case.


As well as this, the Edge of Tomorrow is literally going to do wonders for the career of Tom Cruise although it’s not like he really needs it. Cruise could have walked away whenever he wanted, he is arguably the biggest actor of our generation. However, he continues to plug away at the action genre which he is dominated currently by older actors, let’s face it. But Tom was starting to lose his audience, many were tiring of his constant hero roles. Again, this is not the case with the Edge of Tomorrow. Tom can be as grateful for this film as Emily will be.

Set in the near future, the film follows Cruise’s character John Cage who becomes the PR boy for the war against an alien race who have taken over the planet. However, things take a turn for the worse when Cage is enlisted as a new recruit for a massive offensive against the alien force. Dropped into the fighting, Cage meets his end very rapidly only to wake up and realise he is living the same day all over again. Though he tries to inform his commanding officer what is happening, no one believes Cage until he encounters the war’s most honoured soldier, Rita Vrataski.

Living the same day over and over again, Cage becomes more skilled on the battlefield and soon learns how he may actually win the war and defeat the alien enemy for good. However, reliving the same day allows him the time to learn how to defeat the enemy but can he sacrifice those around him in order that he may win the war?

The above is actually a very-much watered down version of an extremely difficult plot. However, the beauty of Edge of Tomorrow is that this plot never at any point seems complicated or difficult to access. The film is based on a Japanese novel entitled All You Need Is Kill and although there seems to be nods to different films like Source Code, Groundhog Day and Saving Private Ryan, this is very much a refreshing piece to watch on screen that never dulls or tires the viewer.

Along with the accessibility of the film and the fact that the characters are well-written, the script is actually far funnier than you could imagine but this may also be down to the obvious on-screen chemistry between Blunt and Cruise and the brilliant over-and-back.

In terms of the cast, Cruise plays completely against type here for the majority of the film. Of course, you are expecting him to be the hero of the hour but he is very much the reluctant hero, a bit of a nasty guy at the start, selfish and without one ounce of courage. Blunt on the other hand is the real heroine, she completely owns the entire film, she is strong, tough and gets the job done.

The action sequences are relentless and brilliant, the aliens absolutely terrifying. You will never believe that they will be able to defeat this force even if they have Tom Cruise in tow. The scenes on the beaches do echo back to World War II, they are frightening and excellent in equal measure with amazing sound but with a very peculiar enemy.

Definitely the surprise hit of the summer, we can’t recommend this enough.