Okay, we’re laughing.
In the Love Island villa tonight, the boys receive a text, which reads:
“Boys. Today you will all become undercover lovers. Each of you must complete an individual undercover assignment involving the girls. You then must all work together to complete one final group assignment.”
Curtis needs to get two girls to change their outfits as part of the challenge.
Curtis convinces Molly-Mae and India to take part and they head upstairs to the dressing room. Curtis says to the girls “I want you to put them [clothes] on and I’m going tell you if they’re good or not.”
Molly-Mae is completely bemused what Curtis is asking of her. She says “I’ve worn everything already!”
Determined to pass today’s challenge, Curtis says “I don’t remember what you’ve worn and I don’t care what you’ve worn!”
Meanwhile, Greg has to get Maura to say ‘fanny-flutters’ three times. Gas btw.
Speaking in the Beach Hut, Greg says “It wasn’t easy at all. I had to stay calm!”
Tommy’s assignment is to get a massage from every girl in the villa, except Molly-Mae.
Tommy travels around the villa asking the girls to relieve some of the tension in his back.
Next up is Ovie and he has to hide Molly-Mae’s beloved Ellie-Belly and also accidentally spill a glass of milk over one of the girls in the villa.
But after Ovie hides Ellie-Belly in the tree in the garden, a search party begins.
Ovie sets his sights on Maura for the next part of the challenge. But will he succeed in spilling the milk over her?
(God love him if he does!)
Finally, the boys have to collectively get all the girls in the pool to win today’s challenge.
But will the Love Island boys make a splash and earn cocktails for the whole villa?