Who knew?
Admit it, Josh Bryant was one of the first film characters you ever fancied.
The jock, portrayed by Erik Von Detten in The Princess Diaries, was the ultimate nineties/ early noughties crush – blonde and blue-eyed with a floppy haircut and a sporty but ultimately brain-dead vibe.
As the coolest lad in school (and completely oblivious to Mia before it was revealed that she was a real-life princess) it was always unlikely that he’d end up with her but we held out hope because it was what our gal wanted for a lot of the movie.
We all saw Josh’s true colours when he used Mia for his 15 minutes of fame at the arc of the movie’s drama but it turns out that actor Erik also portrayed one of the biggest Disney baddies of the past 25 years too.
Believe it or not, he voiced the character of Sid in the original Toy Story movie.
Yep, we’re shook too.
Erik, who had been a child actor and appeared in soap Days of Our Lives, lent his voice to the toy-terrorising neighbour of Woody’s owner Andy.
He reprised the role for Toy Story 3 in 2010 but Erik has since left show business behind.
He now works for Rosland Capital, a precious metals asset management firm. Madness.