Mother of God.
Line of Duty returned to our screens for the first instalment of its sixth series on Sunday night, as AC-12 look to uncover the truth behind the dodgy investigation and subsequent arrest for the murder of a journalist Gail Vella, and there was lots to unpick.
Kate no longer works for AC-12 (or does she????), Steve is getting tired of it, Ted is being forced out, and that’s before we even get into the framing of Terry Boyle for this murder.
Let’s start with a glossary, shall we? There’s a lot of police jargon in Line of Duty and these acronym explanations will help you understand a lot more of what is going on.
#LineofDuty makes a lot more sense if you have this to refer to
— Gary Taphouse (@garytaphouse) March 21, 2021
Many people spotted a golf bag behind Superintendent Buckells, a possible hint at the identity of another ‘caddy’. Surely that’s too obvious?
Another caddy #LineofDuty
— Dennis Harrison (@denwong2013) March 21, 2021
With his thick midlands accent and similar appearance, many viewers highlighted that Joanne Davidson’s colleague in the interview room looked a carbon copy of DCI Matthew ‘Dot’ Cottan, who died at the end of series 3.
When you buy Dot Cottan off Wish:#LineofDuty 😂
— x (@187LouLou) March 21, 2021
I mean, the only thing linking these two at the moment is their Scottishness, no? Seems a bit of a reach.
I’m calling it now, she’s Tommy’s daughter #LineofDuty 👀 good shout ??
— Stephen Moore (@stevemoore_ncr) March 21, 2021
It might be worth rewatching the previous two seasons, or all five if you have time, before episode 2 comes out next weekend. There are a lot of loose ends to tie up and it’s difficult to keep track. Don’t worry, you’re not the only one.
Me trying to remember how the last season ended whilst trying to concentrate on what’s happening #LineofDuty
— Maria (@how1seeit) March 21, 2021
Ok this is just ridiculous now.
Steve Arnott flashed his headlights at Kate 4 times.
Guess what letter 4 blinks in morse code stands for??? #LineofDuty @Line_of_duty— Chomp (@ChompyChick) March 21, 2021
We know how the show works now. Every series has a formula. Obviously Davidson is up to something. The question is why, and because of whom.
Well done to the eagle eyed viewers who spotted Kingsgate Printing Services, where the OGC operated from in the previous series.
Who else spotted Kingsgate Printing Services? Felt a bit of nostalgia for series 5 #lineofduty
— Mat Galvin FCCT MEd NPQH (@Mjogalvin1) March 21, 2021
Google searches for “chis” rose astronomically last night, as everyone watching tried to find out what the acronym CHIS stands for. It turns out its official meaning is Covert Human Intelligence Source, but the tall man from Pointless has another idea.
So they're telling us CHIS stands for 'Covert Human Intelligence Source'. But what if CHIS really stands for 'Clearly H Is Steve'? Makes you think #LineOfDuty
— Richard Osman (@richardosman) March 21, 2021
It feels inevitable that we will see Kate return to working with AC-12 this series, given her proximity to the subject of their inquiry, albeit probably not as an official part of the unit.
The most heartbreaking part of the first episode was seeing Terry Boyle once again exploited and framed for something he clearly did not do. To jog your memory, Jackie Laverty’s remains might still be in his freezer.
Remember the mouthy kid from series 1 on the BMX? The end of series 5 showed us that he has become a copper. Lord knows the chaos he’s going to cause in this series.
I can’t concentrate because I’m still so angry about this at the end of S5 and scared when he’s going to show up and cause chaos lol #LineOfDuty
— fern (@_fernfernfern) March 21, 2021
Possibly the greatest easter egg in the whole show, if you scan the QR code on the magazine cover featuring Gail Vella, it opens a real Google Doc containing this letter, expressing concerns over AC-12’s leadership. Try it, it works.
Interesting that the QR code on the magazine with Gail on the cover brings up this #LineOfDuty
— Eddie Davies (@eddaball79) March 21, 2021
One step at a time, Steve. Solve this case first, then worry about who to play in the middle of England’s back three.
Steve Arnott knows the Euros are round the corner #LineofDuty
— Robbie Michael (@robsgen14) March 21, 2021