Makes sense.
Rice and beans and blended genitals – not much of the food on offer in the I’m A Celebrity jungle looks that appealing, but it’s been revealed that Amir Khan has been getting different meals from his campmates due to his specific requirements.
Amir is a strict Muslim and as such follows a halal diet in keeping with his religion.
All of his meals in the jungle are halal, it’s been confirmed.
Amir is provided with a Halal option whenever the camp win food.?#TeamAK
— Amir Khan (@amirkingkhan) November 26, 2017
This means that anything he eats (that isn’t rice and beans) is specially cooked for him away from the other campmates’ meals.
Halal is an arabic word meaning ‘permitted’ and refers to a diet that is prescribed in the Muslim faith.
Foods that are not ‘halal’, or allowed in the diet of a practising Muslim, include pork and other pig meat, alcohol, lard and meat stock.
Halal also refers specifically to how meat is prepared. The Qur’an requires that animals have to be killed via a cut to the jugular vein, carotid artery and windpipe, according to the BBC.
Unfortunately for Amir, bugs and critters are not barred from his diet so he can’t back out of any nasty eating trials during his time in the jungle.