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31st Jul 2018

This is how Jack and Dani plan to celebrate their Love Island win

Rebecca O'Keeffe

jack and dani

Doing bits?

So last night it finally happened – Love Island 2018 came to an end.

And while many of you are sad to see it go, no doubt you’re deeeelighted with the winners.

Jack and Dani were victorious (not shocking), and are now free to be a couple in the real world.


jack and dani

No doubt the couple have quite a few things to tick off their to-do list, like meeting the parents etc.

However, Jack and Dani have one very important thing to do first, to celebrate their win.

“Doing bits” is very much on the agenda for Jack and Dani.


jack and dani

When speaking to Caroline Flack after the win, Jack spoke about the fact that the couple would be moving in together.

“We’ll do it at the house warming party,” Jack said, referring to said “bits!”

However he then confirmed that they would get down to some bedroom action after the final.

Here’s hoping Jack and Dani go the distance!