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24th Aug 2018

There are 237 reasons why people have sex which seems like a lot but OK

Jade Hayden

The 10 stages of a relationship as told through sexual positions

Apparently, there are 237 reasons why people have sex.

To be honest, we can only think of about five not including that fact that it’s just a bit enjoyable but sure look, each to their own.

At a guess, we’d probably go ahead and say that the top reasons are because it feels good, to get pregnant, and because it’s a bit of craic.

And those are the top reasons too… but there are apparently a load of others. Who’d’ve thought it?

According to a study conducted by Ghent University Hospital, there a far many more reasons why people decide to get the ride that aren’t just because they feel like it.

The top reason was “for fun” which is fair enough.

But some other reasons that people gave that are maybe a little more left-field included to burn calories, our of boredom, or because they felt obliged to.

While nobody should ever have to feel that they are obliged to have sex with someone, the survey did show that being implicitly pressured into sex is still very much an issue for many.

Answers varied between gender too, with more men saying that they have sex because they’re attracted to someone and more women saying they have sex for emotional reasons like love and security and all of those great things.

4,500 people were included in the study so it makes sense then that their answers were fairly broad – so broad in fact that some people even said they chose to have sex for revenge.

Each to their own, we guess.