Here’s a novel idea that everyone can try out right now!
For the habitual mansplainer in your life.
There is a new website that is based on a really simple concept. It asks the question, are men talking too much?
The way it works is simple. At the top of the site, there is one question: Who’s talking?
Below there are two buttons, one says ‘a dude’ and the other, ‘not a dude’, which we presume means women, unless you count your pets as people.
The idea behind the site is to check to see who is dominating the conversation. Users can go between the two options for as long as they like and at the end of it, get an aggregate percentage of what sex dominated the debate.
Website Creator, Cathy Deng spoke to Paper Magazine about the reasoning behind the website.
“I want to build something that would help people pay attention to dis proportionality [when it comes to gender], and hopefully start some conversations.
I think technologists often like to think about complexity—heavy-duty apps with a lot of features, complex data models, etc. But as a builder, I have the opposite tendencies—I think a lot about the most clear and useful thing I could build with the least possible work.”
Nice one Cathy! I’ve been having covert fun with this site all day. Check out the website here.