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27th Nov 2017

Conor McGregor’s dad Tony has a new career and it’s not what we expected

Fair play to him.

Laura Holland

Getting married next year?

Tony McGregor, Conor McGregor’s dad, has decided to take on a new career. You’d probably think it was something in the area of sport or boating, but it’s something entirely different.

He’s training to become a celebrant. He wants to marry people in 2018 and has apparently already taken bookings for the new year.

After noticing an increase in demand for celebrants, he began training with the Irish Institute of Celebrants.

Speaking to The Sun, he said:

“It’s a course I’ve been doing with the Irish Institute of Celebrants and I’m absolutely loving it. It’s very professional and I’m learning a lot.

It’s something I’d have an interest in, it’s an emerging ­market that’s expanded in the last few years — especially with the marriage referendum, for example.

It’s not just weddings, the whole market has moved on from it being just weddings and funerals. You see an awful lot of humanist ceremonies nowadays.

It’s not just training for the ­traditional services. You could be dealing with vow renewals, ­baptisms, naming ceremonies, anniversaries.

People remarrying after getting divorced and so on.”

He also said that he has some bookings confirmed for March next year.

New year ,new career!

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