This is great news.
New levies on plastic bags, disposable cups and waste disposal have been proposed by the Government, and frankly, we back it.
The Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment, Richard Bruton, has confirmed the introduction of the measures.
Mr Bruton said the measures were aimed at encouraging more “sustainable behaviour” and were a key part of the Government’s Climate Action Plan.
Under the new proposals, which were announced yesterday, the existing plastic bag levy will increase from the current rate of 22c to 25c.
This will also be extended to include medium weight plastic bags, 9what we call bags for life).
An increase of the landfill levy by €5 per tonne to €80 per tonne has also been proposed.
The levies don’t stop at plastic, as a new levy on disposable cups is also coming into action.
Still in the discussion phase, the paper cup rate is yet to be confirmed, but is likely to be 10c, 15c or 25c, according to the department.
Speaking about the paper cup and plastic bag levies, Minister Bruton said:
“How we use and dispose of our resources is crucial. In fact, it accounts for 60% of our emissions. We must be more conscious of the impact we are having by the daily choices we make.
“Sustainable alternatives exist for all the items we are purposing to levy and the purpose is to shift behaviour towards the use of these alternatives.”
He also said: