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04th Apr 2022

10 of the best tweets about the Irish census

Sarah McKenna Barry

Irish Twitter was on fire last night.

When the people of Ireland opened their census forms last night and landed on the time capsule section, many of us were left scratching our heads.

Exactly what did we want to convey? Did we have a message for the people of 2122? A pearl of wisdom that might be cherished in the future?

Well, in true Irish fashion, many took to Twitter to share what they did with the section, and, reader, they did not disappoint.

Here are ten of our favourite tweets from Irish Twitter about the 2022 census.

1. First off, there was this tweet which captured the vibe of the nation.

2. In a similar scholastic vein, we had this tweet.

3. Next, we have this stunning homage to Father Flynn.

4. Then there was this excellent meme reference.

5. This evergreen quote.

6. Another Mean Girls reference for good measure.

7. Then we had this golden Simpsons reference.

8. This mam’s advice.

9. This cool kid.

10. And finally, a special mention for the workers who will undoubtedly have to parse through our capsules.