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21st Sep 2016

A woman has shared a wonderful story about how her dad reacted when she first had her period

"Grateful my dad isn't grossed out by 'woman stuff'."


Our periods are probably not something that many of us would want to discuss with our fathers.

But, as one woman recently revealed on Reddit, dads can really come through for their daughters at that most awkward of times.

The Canadian woman, who is now in her mid-twenties, recalls the first time she started menstruating at aged 9, and how her father was the one who was at hand to help her out and calm her distress.

Plus, it turns out she can still rely on him as an adult.


Below is the full post, because it really is very sweet. Under the heading, ‘Grateful For My Dad Who, Year After Year Isn’t Grossed Out By “Woman Stuff”‘, it reads:

“I started my period really young. I was 9, it was the beginning of August. My mom explained it to me quickly giving me a pad and sending me away. It stopped a few days later only to restart unexpectedly months later. That time I was at school and bled through my skirt and chair. My dad had to come and pick me up from school. I was crying, ashamed, didn’t know what was happening. He felt bad, really badly. He took the day off, we got home, I washed, he washed my clothes, and then he took me to the store.

“We looked at pads together, he read them to me, we asked for the pharmacist’s input and all. When we got home I had my own little “period bag care” that I’d bring around pretty much all my life until I got pregnant over a decade later. He also did something amazing, he kept a few pads in his car, in the glove compartment. As I grew older (teen!) he also carried tampons and he must have refilled them as I used them because there was always one there if I needed one.

“17 years later, I’m at my parents house and my dad and I decide to go for a drive. I wasn’t expecting my period but it happened. Right in the middle of the drive, full blown too. I start to look through my purse, in a hurry to make sure I have a pad. My dad sees me and asks if I’m looking for my phone or something, I tell him “no, just a pad.” He tells me “Oh, well just take a pad from the glove compartment. They’re still there in case of emergency. Do you want me to pull over at the Tim Hortons? (yes we’re Canadian)”

“I almost had tears in my eyes. I’ve been told and read so many times about men being grossed out by periods, I’ve seen comments on this subreddit about how gross periods are and yet, my dad, isn’t and is willing to go that little extra help to prevent embarrassment and to make my life a itty bit easier.

“Parents out there, don’t hesitate to keep an extra pad or two in your car. Sometimes it’s all that you need to make someone’s day better.”

Keep it mind, dads.