It’s all very Buffy the Vampire Slayer…
Witches from across the globe are joining forces tonight to cast a binding spell on Donald Trump.
Details have been doing the rounds on popular witchcraft sites for the last few days, but even those who are not practising the occult are being encouraged to join in.
Mass protests and marches against Trump are almost commonplace at this stage but this is definitely the most magical way of protesting we’ve seen.
The organisers of the event wish to remain anonymous but there is a Facebook page where you can get more details.
The ritual will reportedly take place at midnight on every waning crescent moon until he’s removed from office.
Some of the components you’ll need if you want to give it go;
- Unflattering photo of Donald Trump (small)
- Tarot cards
- Tiny stub of an orange candle
- Pin or small nail (to inscribe tiny orange candle)
- White candle, representing fire
- Small bowl of water, representing elemental water
- Small bowl of salt, representing elemental earth
- Feather, representing the element of air
- Matches or lighter
- Ashtray or dish of sand
And that’s about it (we were secretly hoping for an eye of newt).
So does magic really work? We’ll tell you at 12:01.