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09th Apr 2014

Watch: Breathtaking Video Captures the Incredible Beauty of Iceland

Absolutely breathtaking!

Una Kavanagh

Serene and breathtaking, this is a video of Iceland that’s not to be missed.

Shot this year between February and March, Eye of the Storm, is a brief and wordless document of Iceland’s wild and stunning landscape.

Capturing the land’s ice-covered terrain, the video shows glorious shots of icicles, snow melts and incredible auroras high in the skies.

“Storms are agents of change” writes from Henry Jun Wah Lee of Evosia studios.

“While often destructive and unpredictable, they also demonstrate the unyielding power of nature. They reveal nature’s beauty and its hand in creating the landscapes we see today”.

Best watched in full-screen and HD, this video is well-worth checking out:

We wouldn’t be surprised if this was snapped up by Iceland’s tourism board.

