Brought to you by permanent tsb
When you’re meeting the bank about a mortgage for the first time it pays to be prepared.
Having everything ready will help you feel more at ease and will speed up your mortgage application process with your bank. It will also show them that you’re super-organised, which can’t hurt.
The bank needs to make sure you are who you say you are and that you have the money you say you do. They also need to safeguard against money-laundering, hence the many questions they’ll ask. But remember, these are just necessary precautions the bank is obliged to take. Really, the bank wants to help you get that new humble abode, so try and take it all in your stride.
It’s the first step to you owning your own home, so it’ll be worth it in the end.
Here’s a handy checklist you can keep a screenshot of and that will help you on your way:
You’ll need proof of your name, address and PPS number
Photo ID
- Your current national passport OR
- Your current valid Irish, UK or European driver’s licence with photo
Proof of Address
Any one of these:
- A utility bill dated within the last 3 months
- A bank statement dated within the last 6 months
- Your Determination of Tax Credits for the current year
- Your original household, health or motor insurance documents (less than 12 months old)
Proof of your PPS Number
Any one of these:
- Correspondence from the Department of Social Protection or the Revenue Commissioners showing your PPSN
- Payslip, P60/P45, P21, Tax Assessment or Notice of Tax Credits
- Medical Card / Drug Payment Scheme (DPS) Card
If you are an employee you will need:
- A signed and stamped salary certificate
- Your P60
- Your last 2 payslips
- Your personal bank account statements for the last three months
If you’re self-employed you will need:
- Your Audited/Certified accounts for the last 2 years
- Your personal and business account statements for the last three months
Confirmation from your accountant:
- That your tax affairs are up to date
- Of your current year earnings to date and
- That no significant changes have taken place in your business since the date of the last accounts
Remember, the bank wants to help you every step of the way so if you hit a dead-end or get confused about something, make sure to check in with your mortgage consultant as, when it comes to mortgages, there really is no such thing as a silly question.
Check out our ‘Home Buyers HQ’ from saving to sale agreed, everything you need to know. If you’re looking to start your own home buying journey you can book an appointment with the permanent tsb team today.
Lending criteria, terms and conditions apply. Security and Insurance required. permanent tsb p.l.c is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.
Brought to you by ptsb