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02nd Jul 2014

Sweet Moses, Nearly One In Five Irish People STILL Pray Before A Flight Takes Off

Well, we knew this.

Sue Murphy

We Irish are a fairly superstitious lot most of the time but even we found it hard to believe that nearly one in five Irish perople still pray before a flight takes off! have released a survey which examined the rituals of Irish fliers and there are quite a few that we would probably entirely agree with…

Apparently, one in four people who are about to board a flight have a pre-flight tipple. We know this, it’s just to settle nerves. And we all know that the best time to buy perfume is in the duty free which would explain how over half of people flying will treat themselves to a duty-free purchase.

As well as praying to one God, we’re probably praying to a load of other ones and throwing holy water around the place. Yes, 16% of those surveyed have a superstitious ritual like being the first on the plane, wearing a lucky charm or wearing a paricular item of clothing.

In terms of flying itself, nearly half of those surveyed said that they didn’t really mind flying while 22% said they love it and find it exciting. Of course they find it exciting, they’re leaving the country!

The Airport Rituals of the Irish Are:

1. Buying a newspaper, book or magazine (52 per cent).
2. Shopping in duty-free (51 per cent).
3. Consume a meal or snack at the airport (46 per cent).
4. Drink a tea or coffee (45 per cent).
5. Have an alcoholic drink (18 per cent).
6. Say a prayer (14 per cent)
7. Stock up on Food for the flight (14 per cent)
8. Call family to tell them I love them (6 per cent)
9. Take a sedative (4 per cent)

Basically, we’re just really bloody smart, interesting people who like reading and shopping.