Meet Claire, the American woman that we want to be best friends with.
San Francisco native Claire Wyckoff runs as a means to keep fit and while she’s busy staying healthy she also uses running app Nike+ to amuse herself greatly.
Wyckoff maps out her route so that when her run is complete she has something pretty special as a reward.
With the exercise app’s satellite-enabled tracking technology and her vivid imagination, Wyckoff likes to draw pictures of penises.
Using a Tumblr simply titled ‘Running Drawing’ and instagram account, Wyckoff documents her fantastic artwork for the rest of us to enjoy… We’ve simply never wanted to start using Nike+ as much. Ever.
Wyckoff also enjoys to draw things other than penises…
The head of a Mennonite.
A corgi.
An 8-bit alien from the 1978 Atari game Space Invaders.
Middle finger salute.
And more of what we will love…
Claire Wyckoff, you are our new hero.