Will it be last orders or time for another round?
We’re still in the midst of unprecedented times, that’s for sure, and with that comes the forming of new norms and habits.
Although we have no doubt we’ll be getting back into things better than ever in the months ahead, we can’t help but think how well we’ve grown accustomed to a new lifestyle with its new norms and habits. Might there be particular elements of this new life we won’t be so willing to say goodbye to when all returns to ‘normal’?
An area of particular interest to us is of course drinking. After all, it’s something we often associate with a relaxed night in and it’s a defining characteristic when we think of a good night out among Ireland’s social scene.
So, we’d like you to have your say on the topic and answer the quick and simple questions below. Do you think many folks have shunned the booze? Or might it be a case where we’ve simply changed our habits ever so slightly, opting for a tipple here and there, instead of an entire evening spent at the pub? Have your say below.
If you cannot see our questionnaire or its ‘submit’ button please click here.