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29th Jun 2012

Jilly Cooper Sings the Praises of Fifty Shades of Grey

Famed raunchy writer Jilly Cooper is singing the praises of her biggest competition...


Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L James – what side of the divide do you stand on? Are you all for a bit of Mummy porn? Or do you think that it’s just Twilight fan fiction for grown-ups?

No matter what your views when it comes to the, ahem, erotic novel, one thing is for sure: it has everyone talking about sex. Which is probably a good thing. Well, in Ireland anyway.

Since its release back in March, the public has gone wild for a bit of Fifty Shades (I myself have also been sucked into the hysteria – no I’m not proud).  Already, sales of the book have overtaken The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown and the Harry Potter series by J.K Rowling. Not bad right?

And surprisingly enough, the established racy writer Jilly Cooper is absolutely thrilled with the fact that Fifty Shades of Grey is bringing sexy back. Literally. Although it’s bringing it back covered in leather and chains (and brandishing a whip viciously).

“Ours is now a terribly under-sexed society. I have talked to a lot of young women about this and they just don’t seem to do it anymore. Honestly. I suppose it’s because we all have so many other demands on our time now,” said Jilly, speaking to the Telegraph.

Jilly, who is famed for her sexy words, then went on to praise the novel for making the public wake up and start to have an interest in erotic fiction again.

“Porn was terribly out of fashion before that book came out. While I have heard that it is quite poorly written, I am delighted that it’s giving a new lease of life to the genre,” she said.

It’s nice to see that the Queen of raunchy reading is more than happy to celebrate her competition. So have you had a sneaky read of Fifty Shades yet? Are you planning to download that bad boy onto your Kindle?

If you need a little bit of convincing, have a listen to Ellen reading it aloud…

