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08th Aug 2015

Irish Woman Posts Funny Facebook Post in Hope of Finding a Place to Live

We like her style!

Rebecca McKnight

Finding somewhere to live can be a trying time…

But this Irish woman isn’t willing to wait until she finds the right place, she wants the right place to come to her.

Sarah Garvey needs to find somewhere to live in Dublin so she decided to use her initiative by taking to Facebook and telling the world why she would be such a good tenant.

The post is pretty funny and we have to say we’d totally let her move in if we had the space (not just because of the promise of Pringles… but mainly because of the promise of Pringles).

dublin room 

Hat-tip to Edel Fahy for sending this on. If you have something that you think could be of interest to us at, please get in touch on Facebook, Twitter or email at [email protected]