Such a cool job!
I love talking to women with cool jobs, always have… probably always will. On this week’s Girls With Goals we’re bringing you just that, a kick-ass woman who has a kick-ass job and it’s a first for Girls With Goals.
We welcomed Orlaith Doherty to the show, a successful stuntwoman who works in the film industry here in Ireland as well as abroad. After dabbling in stunt work while studying acting in college, Orlaith took the plunge six years ago to return to the industry and really make a go of it in the stunt world.
Since then, it’s fair to say that she’s been absolutely smashing it. Orlaith has worked on projects with Hollywood royalty and beyond (I don’t want to name names but Jennifer Aniston and Sophie Turner anyone?) and although the film industry has taken a hit due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Orlaith is confident that it will bounce back.
So, what exactly does it take to be thrown against a wall? What is Jennifer Aniston really like to work with and how much training do you have to put in to make it in the stunt world?
We asked all these questions and more on the latest episode of Girls With Goals.
Listen in to the full episode below to hear all: