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04th Jan 2014

Heartwarming: Irish Teen With Cerebral Palsy Sees Her Dream Come True, Thanks To A Stranger

Proof there are still so many good people in the world.

Rebecca McKnight

The festive season may well have passed, but thankfully the Acts of Kindness stories are still rolling in. 

Reader Karen Grant got in touch with us today to tell us about the incredible gift given to 17-year-old Lucy Gibbons, whom Karen cares for.

Shortly before Christmas, Karen took Lucy, who suffers from Cerebral Palsy, to a charity event in The City Hotel, Derry, where a raffle was due to take place, and tickets for the X Factor final were the first prize.

Lucy is a huge fan of the X Factor, and on entering the venue spoke excitedly to a woman she met there about her passion for the programme.

As it turned out, the woman Lucy spoke to, without learning her name, won the tickets. But, as she took to the stage to accept, she told the crowd she wanted to give them to someone ‘more deserving’, and handed them to Lucy.

The unidentified woman, who is believed to be a lecturer from Magee, gave Lucy the gift of a lifetime.

Karen, who is a student nurse, planned the trip and took Lucy to the UK for the big event. She tell us that the whole thing was “a dream come true” for young Lucy, all thanks to the kindness of a stranger.


Lucy and Karen, living it up in London.


Hat tip: Huge thanks to Karen for sending this on! If you’ve spotted something weird or wonderful you think should feature on, get in touch! You’ll find us on Twitter here, on Facebook here or you can drop us a line to [email protected]!

