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01st Apr 2015

Good Idea, Bad Idea: Planning The Perfect Easter Weekend

One chocolate-induced coma coming up


Here at Her Towers we’re getting excited for our Easter break. We’re getting very excited indeed.


As far as we’re concerned, Easter is all about seeing how much chocolate can be consumed. And we’re ready for the challenge. Ready and waiting.

Here are some simple do’s and don’t’s to help you make the most of your Easter weekend.

Good idea: Save a couple of Easter Eggs for next week

You’ll still want chocolate then. And it’ll probably taste even better.

ralph simpsons easter

Bad idea: Eat chocolate until you can’t move

Just don’t do it to yourself.

Matilda cake

Good idea: If you’re going to a house party on Friday…

Pick up your tipple of choice on Thursday. Or on Wednesday if you want to avoid the crowds.


Bad idea: If you’re going to a house party on Friday…

Don’t wait until Friday to buy your drinks. Because on Friday it’ll be too late.


Good idea: When you wake up Sunday/Monday morning with The Fear…

Drag yourself out of bed, have a shower and present yourself to the world.

emma stone singing in the shower gif

Bad idea: When you wake up Sunday/Monday morning with The Fear…

Stay in bed with the curtains closed and your phone off. Eating pizza. And crying. (19)

Good idea: Catch up on your favourite TV show

There ain’t nothing wrong with scheduling in some quality down time over the weekend.

i just love television

Bad idea: Binge-watch your favourite show to the point…

Where you don’t get any sleep / don’t see your family.

big bang theory penny gif

Those are the No Nonsense ideas for enjoying the perfect Easter weekend. No Nonsense have come up with a great idea called SmartDriver that could save drivers under 30 up to 30% on their car insurance. Take a look at this retro vid they put together. This will make you LOL.

Get up to 30% off your car insurance with No Nonsense SmartDriver. 


