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04th Nov 2015

Gmail Is About to Make Answering Emails SO Much Easier

Technology is taking over.

Rebecca McKnight

Answering emails on your phone can be challenging – not only do you have to put your face about three inches from the screen to read what it says but you usually end up muddling up your fingers, pressing the wrong letters and writing something that you REALLY didn’t want to write.

Thankfully Gmail has created something that will hopefully help with this.

It is introducing a ‘Smart Reply’ feature for those who check their inbox via the Gmail app.

The technology will analyse the content of an email and then suggest three possible replies (see a beautiful example below).

gmail app

Like auto-suggest in text messages, it will give you a number of options (which will be short phrases rather than words).

Also like auto-correct, it will learn from the replies you pick and improve the suggestions as a result.

The feature will be rolling out later this week on both the App Store and Google Play.

While we reckon it will make answering emails SO much easier on the go, we can imagine a few teething problems…

Ex-boyfriend who you never want to see again: “I love you.”

Your response: “I love you too.”