CV at the ready!
Do you ever find yourself day dreaming about being able to drop everything travel the world? Same.
Now imagine pairing that worldwide adventure with all the gin you can drink…
I know, it literally would be the dream.
Well lovely people, that dream could actually be a reality for one of you!
Bombay Sapphire and Inception group have teamed up to create the most unbelievable job ever.
It is all to celebrate the opening of a new bar, Mr Fogg’s Society of Exploration, which has been inspired by Phileas Fogg’s 80 day trip around the world.
You will visit New York, Mumbai, Lisbon, Hong Kong, Tokyo, San Francisco, where you’ll drink gin and earn a bit of cash.
I mean, perfection.
Oh, and the best part? If you get chosen for the job, you can bring a friend with you.
In order to be considered for the role you need to be well versed in social media, be handy with a camera and be over 21.
So you’re basically getting paid to go on the piss with your BFF while travelling the world.
I might apply myself, tbh.