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29th Apr 2013

Children Say The Creepiest Things… Hilarious Reddit Thread Goes Viral

Children. They're brutally honest to the point where they're actually a little bit scary...


Sometimes children say the funniest things and other times? Well… other times they say really, really, REALLY creepy stuff that leaves you feeling a tad bit unsettled.

A thread on entitled ‘What is the creepiest thing your young child has ever said to you?’ has gone viral and racked up over 10,000 comments in less than 24 hours.

“I was tucking in my two year old,” wrote Reddit user UnfortunateBirthMark.

“He said ‘Goodbye dad.’ I said, ‘No we say good night.’ He said, ‘I know. But this time it’s goodbye.’ Had to check on him a few times to make sure he was still there,” the Redditor added.

And if you think that’s creepy, wait until you hear this one.

Redditor NotTomPettysGirl said that she took her three-year-old son to visit his granny. Everything was going great until her son did the following…

“He was cuddling with her and being very sweet. He takes her face in his hands, brings his face close to hers, then tells her that she’s very old and will die soon,” wrote NotTomPettysGirl.

“Then he makes a point of looking at the clock!” she added.

They may be cute but they say some seriously creepy things…

Another disturbing story involves a user’s daughter waking him up at dawn…

“I was sound asleep, and at around 6am I was woken up by my four-year-old daughter’s face inches from mine. She looked right into my eyes and whispered, ‘I want to peel all your skin off,’” wrote Psalm-96.

It’s worth noting that this particular Redditor had just returned from his holidays where he had been badly sunburnt, but that doesn’t make his daughter’s words any less creepy.

Has your child ever said anything super-creepy to you? We love kids but we’d definitely be freaked out of one of them said any of the above to us…


10 Things